1st Semester Activities

College Cooking 101

Grades: 9th - 12th
Days: Wednesdays
First Week: August 30th
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
This is an after-school activity that centers around learning culinary arts. Classes build upon each other to teach students kitchen safety, kitchen skills, culinary techniques, food experimentation, and kitchen science while tasting a wide variety of foods along the way. 
Students will pride themselves in creating meals for others, use their own creativity to put a twist on a familiar recipe, and learn new techniques and skills working with familiar foods. They will also develop leadership skills and confidence in their own capabilities which they can take outside the kitchen into any endeavour they decide to tackle.
Every week we will have a different theme or regional cuisine that they can experience. 

Cost: Wednesdays $200 

Register Here!!!


Jr Master Chef

Grades: 6-8
Days: Mondays 
First Week: August 30th
Jr. Master Chef is an after-school activity that centers around learning culinary arts. Classes build upon each other to teach students kitchen safety, kitchen skills, culinary techniques, food experimentation, and kitchen science while tasting a wide variety of foods along the way. 
Students will pride themselves in creating meals for others, use their own creativity to put a twist on a familiar recipe, and learn new techniques and skills working with familiar foods. They will also develop leadership skills and confidence in their own capabilities which they can take outside the kitchen into any endeavour they decide to tackle.
Every week we will have a different theme or regional cuisine that they can experience. 

Cost: Mondays $200 

Register Here!!!


Lego Robotics
Grades: 2nd-5th 
Days: Wednesday
First Week: August 30th
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Come to the ES STEM Lab and explore Robotics and Coding with Lego WeDo 2.0, Lego Spike Prime, and Dash & Dot. Students use Lego in a collaborative way to solve math problems, through themes appropriate for each grade level. 

Cost: Wednesdays $170

Register Here!!!


Operation Code & Lego Boost
Grades: 3rd - 5th  
Days: Tuesdays
First Week: August 30th
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Come to the ES Mac Lab and explore a variety of different ways of capturing students' interest in beginner level for programming / coding. Students will work with CODE.ORG to start their coding experience. We will also look at the basics of coding with Lego Boost Robots.

Cost: Tuesdays $170

Register Here!!!



Grades: K-2nd / 3-5th
Days: Tuesdays / Thursday 
First Week: August 30th
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm 
During this fun ASA students will be exposed to Parkour in a very exciting and safe environment. Parkour has its roots in military obstacle course training and martial arts and includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling and more. We will be traveling around the whole campus to find and use the coolest parkour areas available. Please make sure your child brings a snack, water bottle and a lot of energy as they will need it for this ASA. 

Cost: $170 each day

Register Here!!!



Grades: K-5 
Days: Mondays or Wednesdays
First Week: August 30th
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Students will learn basic bouncinc skill such as, straddle jumps, seat drops, front drops and back drops. Once the students is able to demonstrate control, they will progress to more advanced skills. 

Cost: Mondays $170 / Wednesdays $170

Register Here!!!