HS Curriculum
As a learning community we - students and teachers - take risks to explore new ideas and ways to learn, every day and in every class. Students are at the center of our purpose, and decisions are centered around what is best for students to help them reach their potential. The faculty is dedicated to helping students succeed, both in the classroom and in clubs or activities around the school. The High School section at ISP is a comprehensive school providing opportunities for students to grow and develop their talents and interests.
Although we are a community of learners at ISP, we want to stretch our borders and have students expand and apply their learning beyond the boundaries of our campus. We seek out innovative ways to contribute to the well-being of others in our larger community and beyond. Service learning is a major component of many programs at ISP. The IB Diploma, IEC, and MEDUCA diploma require service as a component of their pathway. Students at ISP exceed the requirements for service and look after the planet as they look out for each other.
We promote positive character traits and the proper attitude and mindset for learning, to assist students in reaching their potential. We want out students to be Authentic, Principled, Compassionate, Adventurous, Joyful, and Independent. Through our Advisory program, and constant character messaging from the administration, student expectations are positively reinforced throughout the year.
Highschool curriculum
Social Science
The High School Social Sciences Department is home to a diverse array of courses that allows for our students to engage in a number of specialized topics. All students are to enroll in our Grades 9 & 10 World History survey courses and then have the option to choose from our various IB and non-IB offerings thereafter. All of our courses promote critical analysis and strive to support our students in their path to becoming knowledgeable and engaged citizens.
Courses are structured as follows:
Grade 9 History:
The Renaissance (Themes: Change, Causation)
Model United Nations (PANAMUN)
Age of Exploration (Themes: Consequence, Significance)
The Enlightenment (Themes: Causation, perspective)
Revolutions of Latin America (Themes: Change, Consequence)
19th Century Imperialism (Themes: Significance, Perspectives)
Grade 10 History:
World War I
World War II
The Cold War
African Independence Movements
Arab Israeli Conflict
Genocide Post WWII
IB History
Fascist Italy
Hitler and Nazi Germany
Imperial Japan and the Move to Global War
World War II
The Origins of the Cold War
Communist China and the Korean War
Eisenhower Administration
Castro, Cuba and the Cold War
Political Movements in Latin America
The Vietnam War
Reagan, Gorbachev & the End of the Cold War
IB Global Politics
Power, Sovereignty and International Relations: Nature of Power, Operation of State Power, Non-State Actors, Global Interactions
Human Rights: History and Evolution of Human Rights, Codification and Practice of Human Rights, Debates surrounding human rights and their applications
Development: Contested Meanings, Development Indicators, Factors that Inhibit Development, Pathways Towards Development, Issues with Globalization and Aid
Peace and security: Contested meaning of peace, conflict and violence. Causes and Parties to Conflict. Evolution of conflict.
IB Psychology
Introduction to Psychology: Definition, History, Perspective, Ethics
Biological Approach
The Brain and Behavior
Genetics and Behavior
Animal Research (HL Extension)
Introducing Research
Quantitative Methods
Qualitative Methods
Cognitive Processing
The reliability of the Cognitive Process
Cognition in the Digital World (HL Extension)
Principles of The Sociocultural Approach
The Individual and the Group
Psychology of Human Relations
Human Relationships
How are relationships formed
How are relationships maintained
How do relationships end
Pro-social Behavior
Social Influence
Abnormal Psychology
Definition - normality v abnormality
Factors influencing diagnosis - classification, validity/reliability, Biases
Motor Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders
Trauma and Related Disorders
IB Business Management
Business Organization
Human Resources Management
Finance and Accounts
Impacts of: change, culture, ethics, globalization, innovation, strategy
IB Economics
International Economics
Development Economics
Panamanian Studies
Theory of Knowledge (Note: Philosophy is offered for students on pursuing the IB Diploma)
Knowers and knowing
Ways of knowing
Areas of knowledge
ISP’s secondary school implements Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in grades 9 and 10 in order to prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the following Group 4 Science subjects of the IB Diploma Programme: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. These subjects are all offered at Higher and Standard Levels. In addition, the Science Department runs Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) SL, a transdisciplinary subject that spans both the Sciences (Group 4) and Individuals and Societies (Group 3). We also offer a one-year course in Forensic Science.
Science is an inquiry-driven subject. All students inquire using experimental work, modeling, phenomenon based questioning, and constructing explanations based on evidence. The Diploma Programme subjects also include an extended independent research project as the required Internal Assessment component in addition to the exams taken at the culmination of the two-year courses.
9th Grade Biology
Structure and function
Inheritance and variation of traits
Matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems
Interdependent relationships in ecosystems
Natural selection and evolution
10th Grade Chemistry
The periodic table
Atomic structure
Chemical and physical properties
Reaction rates
Equilibrium and thermodynamics
11th Grade Physics
Qualitative and quantitative data collection, processing and presentation
Work, power and energy
Thermal physics
Circuits and electricity
Waves and optics
Forensic Science
Intro/Physical Evidence
Eyewitness basic
Hair and fibers
Criminal behavior
Lie Detection
Blood splatters
DNA evidence
Poisons and toxicology
IB Biology
Cell biology
Molecular biology
Evolution and biodiversity
Human psychology
Nucleic acids
Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis
Plant biology
Genetics and evolution
Animal psychology
IB Chemistry
Atomic structure
Acids and bases
Redox processes
Organic chemistry
IB Physics
Measurements and uncertainties
Thermal physics
Electricity and magnetism
Circular motion and gravitation
Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
Energy production
Water phenomena (HL)
Fields (HL)
Electromagnetic induction (HL)
Quantum and nuclear physics (HL)
El currículo del Departamento de Español del Isp está diseñado para ensenar a los estudiantes la comprensión del idioma Español como un instrumento vivo, evolutivo y dinámico que permita el intercambio de ideas con su cultura y la integración con otras culturas afines.
Este currículo va dirigido al desarrollo de la naturaleza lingüística, logrando en los alumnos una apropiación de destrezas suficientes para adquirir mayor capacidad de comprensión del idioma y sus niveles. Promovemos el interés en desarrollar las destrezas básicas del idioma: escuchar, hablar, leer, escribir y responder a estímulos visuales. Nuestro currículo está organizado en los diferentes niveles del idioma para lograr en los alumnos un aprendizaje desde la base hasta su más elevada comprensión y aplicación de las destrezas: ortográficas, sintácticas, semánticas, de interpretación, de apreciación y creatividad y comunicacionales y de análisis y crítica literaria, en donde valoraran las muestras más representativas de la creación literaria; a través de la cultura propia y la comparación de otras culturas, utilizando la tecnología y una variedad de textos pertenecientes a distintos periodos, estilos y generos.
9th grade options |
10th grade options |
11th grade options |
12th grade options |
IB Lang B Pathway |
SAL A SAL B SAL C “Advanced themes” |
SAL B SAL C “Advanced themes” |
IB Span B |
IB Span B |
“PACED” (A or B pathway) |
Span 9 Paced |
Span 10 Paced |
IB Span B HL IB Span A Lang Lit |
IB Span B HL IB Span B Lang Lit |
“Regular” (A) pathway |
Span 9 |
Span 10 |
IB Span A Lang Lit IB Span A Lit |
IB Span A Lang Lit IB Span A Lit |
In the HS Math Department, we use the Mathematics Vision Project (MVP) as our primary resource for grades 9-10, which is a concept-based approach aligned to the common core standards that allow for inquiry and investigation. It focuses on conceptual understanding, supported by factual knowledge and procedural facility.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma program is a challenging two-year curriculum in grades 11 and 12, designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. The CCSS is aligned with the IBDP: https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/digital-tookit/country-specific-materials/common-core-math-en.pdf
Even though both curricula interact functionally and effectively, the key elements for the successful student learning are the inquiry teachers who introduce effective questioning which provokes deep level thinking and provides opportunities for students to engage in exploration, inquiry and gain a conceptual understanding of mathematics. The students are encouraged to actively engage in tasks that have been carefully designed to help them deepen and connect their mathematical knowledge. They will enhance their understanding through discourse with peers as they share their ways of seeing the mathematics connected to the real world.
The HS math teachers develop and use high quality common diagnostic and formative assessments to provide the information and data needed to guide instruction, differentiate learning, and inform student understanding and progress.
9th |
10th |
IB |
Math 12 |
Quadratic functions and equations |
Functions and inverse functions |
Number and Algebra |
Number and Algebra |
Geometry - Triangles, Parallel lines, Parallelograms, Similarity, and Congruence |
Logarithmic, polynomial, rational and trigonometric functions |
Functions |
Set theory and Probability |
Right triangle Trigonometry |
Modelling with both functions and geometry |
Geometry and Trigonometry |
Geometry and Trigonometry |
Introduction to Probability |
Statistics with a focus on the normal distribution |
Statistics and Probabilities |
Statistical applications |
Calculus |
Introduction to differential calculus. |
The High School English Department at ISP strives to help students develop the reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills that they will need need for success in all post-secondary endeavors.
Throughout the path through Secondary English, students will:
Engage in literary criticism of different texts from various genres, time periods, authors, geographic regions, and writing styles.
Develop presentation skills in a variety of different settings.
Refine the academic writing skills necessary for college.
Use creative writing for both self-expression and to engage in a deeper understanding of a text.
Students will build on the skills developed in Middle School to tackle more complex analysis, writing, and research in the 9th and 10th grades. All 9th and 10th grade courses are designed to help prepare students for either our IB Program or our IEC program.
Grade 9 English
Media Studies
Storytelling techniques and analysis
Analysis of visual texts
Persuasion and rhetorical devices
Research project
Historical Fiction - Modern Novel
Explore contextual appreciation of literature
Research skills
Recognition of primary and secondary sources
Research skills
Recognition of primary and secondary sources
Writing Workshop
Creative composition
Poetry and Comparison
Poetry terminology
Annotation and analysis skills
Comparative essay
Drama (Shakespeare)
Comparison of varied textual interpretations
Awareness of subtext
Literary and stage vocabulary
Reading workshop
Literary analysis
Character analysis
Analysis of context and authorial intent
Visual presentation of the novel
Character progression
Analytical essay
Grade 10 English
Oral and written analysis
Review of poetic terminology
The sonnet
Non-fiction excerpts and short fiction
Discussion and intro to argument and persuasion
Prose analysis strategies
Review drama terminology
Comparative writing
Novel and fiction
Applying novel terminology
Contemporary and classic novels
Intro to novel-reading process for analysis
Research and reflective writing
Novel-film comparison
Intro to film terminology
Capstone Project
English 10 Advanced Literature and Writing
Literary commentary
Classic novel
Literary analysis
Introduction to literary criticism
Comparative writing
Essays and non-fiction
Literary analysis
Writing creative fiction and non-fiction
Multi-disciplinary capstone research project
Research presentation
Contemporary novel
Literary analysis
Creative presentation
IB Literature
Literature and film
Comparison between text and film
Individual oral presentation
Works in translation
Analysis of the impact of culture and context on literature
Written assignment
Detailed study (non-fiction, poetry, and fiction)
A comparative study of three different genres
Individual oral commentary
Literary genres (prose and fiction short stories)
Literary analysis
Literary commentary
Comparative writing
IB assessment (paper 1, paper 2)
IB Language and literature
Language and culture in context
Analyze how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of texts
Analyze the impact of language choices
Demonstrate an awareness of how language and meaning are shaped by culture and context
Literature text and contexts
Study of a novel through the lens of various contexts that build up the text
Language in cultural context
Study of how language and culture are intertwined
Study of how language constructs cultural awareness
Mass media and communication
Study of a variety of media forms that define our culture and analysis of the language written
IB skills and writing production
IB Assessments (paper 1, 2)
Composing first two written tasks
English 11 and 12
Interpersonal communication skills
Active listening
Gender and communication
Communication skills for teens
Public speaking 1
Verbal communications
Poetry, short stories, and drama
Creative writing
Analyzing contributions to humanity
Public speaking 2
College applications/interviews
Job interview skills
Business writing
Written communication skills
Language and social media & advertising
Examining social media
Poetry, short stories and drama
Analysis and creative writing
At its heart, the ISP High School believes that a grade should represent a student’s ability to demonstrate what they know and be a consistent measurement of the student’s ability to meet and/or exceed the standards set by the school. To that end, the High School Assessment Policy balances two things: Progress and Growth. We allow for a student to show growth along a semester or year, while also insisting that the overall progress of the class not be affected. An ISP High School student will be allowed, at teacher discretion, to reassess work that doesn’t meet the standard.
Students who do not attempt the standard will be given an incomplete for that assessment due to lack of evidence, and if enough incompletes are accumulated the student will be given an incomplete for the course. We recognize that a one size fits all model does not meet the needs of our diverse learning population and as we mandate teachers to differentiate in their delivery of instruction and individual assessment, we also clearly lay out in this policy how we expect the overall assessment policy to reflect that students learn at their own pace and are able to demonstrate what they know in different ways.
Some work was done by a K-12 Assessment Policy group based on the objectives laid out in the ISP Strategic Plan to move to Standards-Based Grading and Reporting. This document is a bridge between current practices and future ones.