Elementary Library
It is our mission to inspire a love of reading and literature that our students will carry with them through their school years and beyond. We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment for all members of the ISP community to access ideas and information.
Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, from 8:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Check Out Policy
Kinder: Will start checking out books in the second quarter. Children will only be able to check out one book, which is due the next time they have the library class.
1st Grade: Children may check out two books
2nd Grade: Children may check out three books
3rd to 5th Grade: Children may check out five books
Parents: May check out up to ten books
Children may check out books for a week. They must be returned by their next class. However, they may be renewed or checked in before the next class during their morning recess.
Parents can check out books for two weeks and renew them by sending an email to Nuri Muñoz or Menitza Gonzalez.
Library Programs
Book Catalogs - We distribute the Scholastic and Baker Book Catalogs twice a year so parents may order books for their children. We offer these catalogues in September and March.
Battle of the Books - Battle of the Books is an incentive reading program sponsored by America’s Battle of the Books. This year ISP will participate in the BOB with other schools around Panama City. 3rd graders form teams and will need to read 12 books over the coming eight months. 4th – 5th graders form teams and are requested to read 20 books. The winning ISP groups will compete with same grade level teams from other schools in Panama.
Birthday Book Club - Near your child’s birthday, he or she will be called to the library and given the chance to choose a book from the special library’s “Birthday Book Club” shelf. A permanent bookplate (label) inscribed with your child’s name will be placed on the inside cover of the book. The book then will be given to your child at the following ES Assembly by Ms. Menitza Gonzalez and a picture of your child will be taken with all the members celebrating their birthdays that month and their books. The cost for joining this club is $20 which is payable by check to ISP or at the cashier’s office.
Pizza Party - A pizza party will be hosted in the library to celebrate the Birthday Book Club members of the month.
Mystery Reader - (story time in a foreign language) Come join us. Become a mystery reader and share stories with your kid’s class in English or in your native language. Dress up for the special occasion. Give children clues so they can try to guess who the mystery reader is.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome! You can come join us. We would kindly request that if you volunteer you do it for at least an hour at a time and file a request of permission to volunteer from our administration, located in the elementary office.